Monday, September 28, 2009


The little boy pictured here is LEANDRE. He was born in Cote D'Ivoire in August with a cleft lip. Because of his condition, Leandre is unable to eat and may soon die as a result. Right now, his only chance for survival is to come to the US for surgery and as soon as we raise enough money, I will fly to Africa to get him. I know we're in some lean economic times, but if we can all donate a little, we can make a huge difference. Please click the "DONATE" icon below to help save Leandre's life.

Thank you...

All donations are tax deductable. Money that exceeds our goal will be used for future trips.


The video below chronicles my last trip to Cote D'Ivoire, Africa where I picked up a six year old boy named Lamine who was born with his intestine protrudIng from his abdomen (you may be able to see it in the video). Lamine and I traveled from Cote D'Ivoire to the US where I left him in the hands of a wonderful foster family and very generous doctors in Ohio so that he could undergo surgeries to correct his condition.

After six months in the US and a series of intense surgeries and rehab, Lamine returned to CDI completely healed and with a new life. The shy and withdrawn boy who suffered constant pain without the resources to even see a doctor, who wasn't allowed to go to school or play with other children, blossomed into a happy, exuberant, energetic kid who is now able to enjoy a normal life and the hope for a bright future.

Lamine and his family consider this a miracle. One that came to pass because of a handful of people who donated their time, resources and money so that lamine would not have to suffer any longer. If you're one of those people, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and so does Lamine and his family. Thank you...


My name is Todd Grinnell. I'm an actor from Los Angeles and I volunteer for a non-profit organization called The Next Right Thing which connects children in medical need from around the world with people who can help them.

Please watch the video to learn more and click the "DONATE" icon to support my next trip to Africa to save another child. Thank you.

Click this link to learn more about The Next Right Thing.